
Friday, November 21, 2014

A National Novel Writing Month Update

This morning I validated my NaNoWriMo novel and ‘won’. I put won in quotes because on their site and for the challenge winning means writing fifty thousand words during the month of November. In my personal opinion any amount of writing that someone does is a win. I love NaNoWriMo and according to their rules, I won this morning with slightly over seventy-seven thousand words. Of course, I will continue on with my daily writing and during November I will add it to my total on the NaNoWriMo site. There’s no reason for it any longer but I like to do this during November.

The funny thing is when I was done validating my novel this morning I was nowhere near my personal daily writing goal. I had several moments of complete blank. What was I going to write now? It’s not that I don’t have ideas for books. I do but I’m not ready to write them yet. I feel that it needs to be the right time to write some books. And the stories I have made notes for I am not ready to tell. So I was left sitting in front of my computer having a minor freak out. I didn’t want to sit her looking at a blank page and melting down, though. What did I do then? I organized my desk a little bit. I went on Twitter. I checked my e-mail. I read some of the book I am currently enjoying. Then I spent a little time with my husband and we went to get our kids from school. Then we went as a family to see his mom and had dinner. I even did laundry when we got home this evening. I know, it all sounds so normal. Right? The thing is – this is exactly what I needed to do. I needed to take a break and walk away from the computer and focus on my family and get a few mundane chores done. And guess what? I have a new story idea that I am ready to tell now. In fact, I have already written the beginning of it. Now I will settle my very tired and slightly cranky children. Then I’ll come back and write in the fresh and shiny story a little more tonight.

How about you? Are you participating in National Novel Writing Month? How is it going for you? What do you do when face with a blank page and the horror of not knowing what to fill that page with?

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