
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Lovely Wedding

One of my best friend's got married to her longtime love today. Lisa and I have been girlfriends for nearly 25 years. It's amazing to think about that! Today, as she and her now-husband shared their vows I was reminded of how amazing and what a gift life really is. They had an outdoor wedding at a gorgeous nature preserve surrounded by family and friends. I looked around and saw a group of women I've been friends with since we were all young - some of us still in high school and others just beginning college. We've been through so many things together - amazing and sometimes difficult things - and we all always have one another.

A lot of pictures were being taken. Of course, it was a wedding and reception and celebration! Near the end we got a group shot of all 'us girls'. Then, when that was done, most of our children ran in and we had to get pictures of with them, as well. It made me think about how our relationships are now encompassing a new generation. It made me weepy but in a really good, positive, joyous way.

So to Lisa and David I say: Congratulations! I hope you have many beautiful and blessed years together! Thank you for including my family in your day! And to Lisa specifically I say: I love you! Thank you for always being such an incredible friend and like a sister to me. I can't wait to see what we - and all of our kids - do next!

Beautiful centerpiece at the reception!

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