
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Time and Thank You

Today's Blogging From A to Z Challenge letter is T.

Time: Whether your passion is sky diving, scuba diving, making music (like my husband), painting or writing (mine!) it's a challenge to find the time to fit it in. Right? Finding the time for the extras has always been a challenge for my husband and I. Yes, we've heard people say, "So make the time." For the longest time (ha!) that irritated me so much. Where in the world was I supposed to make time to write? Then at the end of last summer it finally dawned on me that it was a matter of priorities. Was it worth it to me to make writing a priority in my day? Was it worth it to me to take the time I have in a day and make some of it be all about the writing? My answer was a resounding yes!

So, near the end of August of last year I decided that I could devote at least thirty minutes of my day to focused, daily writing. That went incredibly but I quickly realized thirty minutes wasn't going to be enough for what I want to achieve and decided on an hour a day. And it didn't take long for me to realize that what I needed to do was set a daily word count because I could easily fritter away an hour of so-called writing time. This was near mid-September (when I started the WriteChain Challenge - more to come on that) and my life as a writer changed for the better. I am a better writer than I was eight months ago and that is because I decided to make time for myself and be the writer I want to be. I made my writing a priority and will continue to do so without regret.

Thank You: I know this challenge has six letter (or one week) to go but I want to say thank you to all who have stopped by as a result. I also want to say thank you to the organizers of this amazing challenge. It has helped me to realize that I do still love blogging and I will make my little corner here more of a priority come May and moving forward.

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