
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Book Review - Celebrity in Death by J.D. Robb

To those who know me - in real-life and through book blogging - I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I've read Celebrity in Death, the latest in J.D. Robb's near future homicide detective procedurals.  I have to say that the book did not disappoint at all.  Every thing I love about this series was present; the ever-evolving relationships amongst the characters, a great murder mystery and of course, the love between Eve and Roarke. 

In this 34th installment of the series - there is a movie being made about an earlier case that Eve, Peabody and the rest of the cast worked tirelessly to solve.  Now, the Icove case is being made in to a major Hollywood movie - much to Eve's dismay.  Fortunately, she is generally all right with the way the movie is coming together although it does creep her out a bit.  And the majority of the cast are decent people.  Of course, there is the bad apple, K.T. Harris, the actress playing Peabody.

Harris turns up dead in the pool at a party given by the movie big wigs.  A party Eve, Roarke, Peabody, McNab and Dr. Mira were all attending off duty.  Of course, being off-duty does not prevent the case from becoming theirs.  And while they turn up a lot of bad stuff about Harris - she is still their victim.  They do not stop until they solve her murder.

The book is written with Robb's trademark humor and insght into the human condition.  This is a stellar installment into a strong series.  One that I recently learned Robb plans to continue for the long haul.  Personally, I am very happy to know this as I completely adore the characters within this series.

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