
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Booking Through Thursday - Night Owl

Booking Through Thursday is a fun weekly question and answer session, based on books, of course. This week, the question is:

What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up reading a book? Is staying up late reading a usual thing for you?

I've stayed up all night reading before and then gone about my day as usual.  Granted, this is when I was at University and probably over a weekend.  Still, I have been known to stay up much too late reading, even now.  In fact, one night last week - I couldn't sleep and picked up my book.  I read until about three in the morning before finally being able to fall asleep.  While I do read at night, thankfully the three a.m. bedtime is not a usual occurence.


  1. What book kept you up til 3?
    Here's my answer.

  2. Oh to be young again!

    My BTT answer. Hope you have a great week!

  3. You know, I have stayed up late reading books that I already was reading. But I never really read a book because I couldn't sleep - if I did that I'd never fall asleep!!

  4. Can't stay up late any more.

  5. I can't stay up late anymore to read either - but it was nice when I was younger! :)

    Here's mine:

  6. I always grab my current read when I can't sleep!

    Jess @ The Midnight Bookworm

  7. I'm also a former night owl, but I've never read through the whole night. Too bad I don't have the stamina to try it now. :)

  8. I am able to stay up much later during the parts of the year where I don't have to go to work. During the work week, I have to be in bed really early and it sucks!

    Here is my post:
