First, let me say that I know it is completely uncool of me to complain about the weather. Especially since I am about to do it on my blog that is about books and writing. That being said, I apologize, but I am indeed going to complain and rant about the darn heat right now. It is nearly 10:30 at night and it is 74 degrees. Our high today was 95 degrees. It's Novemebr for God's sake! It should be cooling down. I should be wanting a light blanket at night, not air conditioning. Which, by the way, ours is broken. I assure you - that is adding to my cranky mood. My poor kids and I have heat rash. heat rash, people! Do you know how miserable that is?
Yes, I know the (American) East coast is experiencing winter typre temperatures already. I have a friend who lives back there and told me the temperatures were in the 30's already. I'm sorry, I really am. It's too early to be that cold back there. Maybe Mother Nature could give both ends of our country a break and compromise with te,peratures in the 60's? That sounds wonderful to me.
On a positive note - and to show that I'm not entirely petualant and whiny - my husband brought home dinner. Which meant no need for an oven or a stove top burner tonight. He also brought home frozen yogurt. I'm going to get some right now. Okay, whiny session over and done.
It's been between under 10 degrees C this week, and I know Canada is notorious for nasty winter weather, but the worst hasn't even started yet. At least it's not in the negatives :P