This Saturday, October 22nd, is
Dewy's 24-Hour Readathon. It's an amazing event that brings readers and book lovers from around the world together for hours of bookish joy! It's a free event and there's still time to sign up if you wish to participate. I'm sure people take part without signing up, too. The main point is to spend time reading.
I'm someone who reads and chooses my books according to what kind of mood I'm in at the time of choosing a new book. So, I put together a stack of books I know I'd like to read some time soon and possibly even this Saturday and early Sunday. Of course, if I'm not finished with
The Perfect Hope by Nora Roberts then that is the one I will begin with. After that I've got a nice selection of fiction and non-fiction to choose from. Plus, there are a number of books on my Nook (not shown, obviously) I can choose from. I will admit that at this point I am leaning toward
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. One, because I've never read the book and two, because we're close to Halloween and I feel like reading something that I think of as Halloween-ish.
Here is a picture of some of my choices for Saturday: