I found this event while randomly blog hopping and it sounds absolutely beautiful. If you follow the link above (or click on the logo in my sidebar) you will be directed to the main post which explains the event - should you decide you want to participate. The event runs from January 30 through February 17, 2011. You may sign up until February 12th.
Now, a little bit about myself (as that is part of the event - talking about ones self LOL). I am Sheery, a very proud stay-at-home mommy to two amazing children who (along with their Daddy - my husband) mean the world to me, of course. I am an avid reader. I am never, ever without a book - or two. I am also a writer. Honestly, if I don't read and write on a daily basis - I am a bit of a grouch. It is my dream to be published and I am working on that goal. I'm a bit of a procrastinator on the submission and querying process but I am getting better about that.
I used to scrapbook regularly but that was put on hold for a while while my children were really small and into every thing. I'd like to get back to scrapbooking, though. I love photography and have many pictures just waiting for the 'perfect' layout. I'd also love to learn to crochet but I'm not sure where I'd fit that in just now. Maybe someday soon.
I have a real life book club with one of my closest friends. We keep trying to get more people involved with us - but it has just been the two of us for almost a year. That's all right though, we have so much fun with it. Although, I have to admit that while we do talk about the books (she's an avid reader/blogger just like me) we go off on other tangents. Always.
One last thing about me - I LOVE to travel. This is another thing that I haven't done too very much of in the past few years but that's all right. I make sure I travel through the books I read and all over the internet. The international quality of this event is part of why it appeals to me so much. I hope I have the chance to meet many of the people participating in this event.
Now, for the 'door prize'. I will send out one blank journal for the purpose of writing or drawing or whatever the winner may want to use it for. I will also be certain to choose one that I think suits the personality of the winner. All you have to do is leave a comment to this post and I will use a random number generator to choose a winner on February 17th.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and have a wonderful time the rest of the month. If I haven't been to your blog already - I will be there soom.
EDITING TO ADD: My new crocheting supplies. I do know how to do a chain and a single stitch. So, I am going to crochet something to add to my door prize. I don't know exactly what at this time but I am excited to make it. I've been watching you tube videos on crocheting. LOL
Anyhow, thanks to everyone who has already stopped by. I will be visitng you, as well. I've already been to a lot of amazing blogs and met some really neat people. Thanks again to Lisa for this amazing event!