
Monday, December 28, 2015

A Special Reading Plan for 2016

My children have implemented part of my reading plan for 2016. Since they have become Independent Readers they haven’t wanted me to read to them all that much. It was with mixed emotions that I had to accept that. On one hand I am so proud of their ability to read but on the other it was so sad to say goodbye to reading to them. It was something I cherished so much! Well, it turns out that I get to read to them again!

As you may know Barnes and Noble offered many books signed by the authors right after Thanksgiving. I got my daughter a signed copy of The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer. She was so thrilled about it on Christmas morning. That night she asked me if I would read the beginning of it to her and her sister. The next night she asked me to read some more of it. That night they asked me if I would read them the entire book – at least a chapter each night. I enthusiastically said yes! Since then we have been reading it – or rather I have been reading it to them. And we are all loving the book so much! This book is the first in a series and my kids have asked me to read the entire thing to them – a little bit each night. They also asked if I would read them the Harry Potter series after this one is done. So, it appears I will once again be reading to my children each night at bed time. I am thrilled by this development and it seems they are, too. I think – and hope – that it will be a wonderful bonding experience between the three of us.


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