Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading. This weeks pondering:
Name a book or author that you truly wanted to love but left you disappointed. (And, of course, explain why.)
Musing Monday's this week was about hyped-up books and I feel that this post ties in with my response to that rather well.
There's a little book called
The Help by Katryn Stockett that seemingly everyone loves. Yes, I say 'little' facetiously because this is one of those books that it seems everyone is talking about. There are so many reviews of the book and every one I've read or heard is full of glowing praise. My friend G loves this book. She went out and bought it after having checked it out from the library to read. She bought it 'just to have it on her shelf'. The thing is - I completely understand the desire to have a book you love so much. Often, G and I have very similar taste in books but not this time. I have tried to read
The Help twice and can not get into this book. I want to like this book but I find the thrashing of the English language in the beginning of the book absolutely annoying! I understand that Stockett is writing the way her character most likely would have spoken at the time - I get that but still it grates on my nerves.
This is a perfect example of why I generally try to stay away from reviews. I had super high expectations for
The Help and twice have started it and taken it back to the library. Maybe it just hasn't been the right time for me and this book. That's happened to me before. I tried to read
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society twice and was bored silly. Then I tried a third time and completely fell in love with the book. I honestly believe a book has to be read at the right time in a persons life - but that's a post for another time.