Do you have to carve out time in your day for reading (due to work and other obligations), or does your reading just happen naturally?Question courtesy of MizB PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your opinion in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks.
Yes, I absolutely have to make time in my day (or rather, night) to read. While I am the woman who constanty has a book with me (just in case) I don't have a lot of opportunity to read during the day. My kids keep me happily busy. The domestic chores keep me annoyingly busy. So, while I do read for a couple of minutes here and there through my day - the majority of my reading occurs at night after my kids are asleep and I have spent time with my husband. Reading is always the last thing I do at night before going to sleep. It makes my husband a little nuts but I just can't go to sleep unless I've had my reading time.
When my kids were younger, but too old for naps we still had an hour of quiet time in which I encouraged them to read (while I read too). All three are readers now.